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Sunshine Continental Grand Hotel Chongqing, 호텔 은 신 광 천지 쇼핑 몰, 캘 리 포 니 아 미식 거리 와 인접 해 있다.3 호선 가 주 철도 역, 홍 기 개천 역 에서 걸 어서 약 5 분 정도 걸 어가 면 도시 전체 에 빠르게 다 닐 수 있 고 강북 국제공항 과 용머리 사 기차 역 에 도 쉽게 갈 수 있 습 니 다.여 기 는 비 즈 니스 컨 벤 션 호텔 로 손님 들 의 다양한 수 요 를 충족 시 킬 수 있 습 니 다.각종 규모 의 회의, 연회석, 전시회 등 행 사 를 동시에 진행 할 수 있다.호텔 안에 실내 항온 수영장, 헬 스 클럽 (숙박 고객 은 룸 카드 로 무료 로 체험 할 수 있 습 니 다), 실내 테니스장, 로비 등 레저 시설 을 갖 추고 각 영업 구역 에 무선 와 이 파이, 이동 4G 네트워크 를 설치 합 니 다.호텔 은 '최선 을 다 하 는 서비스, 없 는 곳 이 없 는 배려' 의 취 지 를 지 키 고 모든 식당 에 가 는 손님 에 게 완벽 한 서 비 스 를 제공 합 니 다.
[자세한 소개]
호텔 FAQ
  • 이 호텔은 Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport 에서 얼마나 떨어져 있습니까?

    공항에서 Sunshine Continental Grand Hotel Chongqing 17km.

  • Sunshine Continental Grand Hotel Chongqing 은(는) 공항 셔틀을 운행합니까?

    아니요, 호텔에는 픽업 서비스가 없습니다.

  • Sunshine Continental Grand Hotel Chongqing 의 체크인 & 체크아웃 시간은 어떻게 되나요?

    체크인 시간은 14:00이후, 체크아웃 시간은 10:00이전.

  • Sunshine Continental Grand Hotel Chongqing 에 수영장과 체육관 있나요?

    네, 이 호텔에는 수영장과 체육관 있습니다 과 피트니스 센터. 수영장 및 다른 시설에 대한 상세 내용은 이 페이지에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.

  • Sunshine Continental Grand Hotel Chongqing 내에 레스토랑이 있나요?

    네, 호텔에서 먹을 수 있습니다.

  • Sunshine Continental Grand Hotel Chongqing 광대역 또는 Wi-Fi가 있습니까?

    예, 자세한 내용은 호텔 프런트 데스크에 문의하십시오.

  • Sunshine Continental Grand Hotel Chongqing 선불로 결제 하시겠습니까?

    저희에게 연락하기 전에 주문을 제출하십시오.

  • Sunshine Continental Grand Hotel Chongqing 신용카드로 결제하실 수 있으며?

    아니요, 호텔은받지 않습니다.

  • Sunshine Continental Grand Hotel Chongqing 의 아침 식사는 얼마입니까?

    식사 CNY68 / 사람.

  • Sunshine Continental Grand Hotel Chongqing 의 숙박 요금은 얼마인가요?

    집값에서 CNY370 위안이, 숙박 날짜나 호텔 정책 등에 따라 숙박 요금이 달라질 수 있습니다.

고객 후기 더
  • Amy0777
    Not bad
  • elaine.xu
    The transportation is convenient, the service attitude of the hotel is good, the price is appropriate, the geographical location of the hotel is particularly convenient, shopping and eating are very convenient, the most important thing is that the price is relatively advantageous. If you come again next time, you will push friends over!!!
  • lucyrongrong
    Okay one one one one one one one one one one one one one
  • ceciliatxy
    The service of the restaurant on the second floor is average (the waiter didn't remind me to pay for the credit card, but he didn't tell me when he went to ask the next day. Moreover, it took a long time to get the card, so he asked the waiter not to give it to the room, but he still had to take it himself after several trips back and forth). The overall service is also very average. There is no star rating feeling. The room is old and the air conditioner is weak, The carpet in the suite is old and poor hygiene, the dining is monotonous, and the breakfast is boring. It's the same style every day, and there's no change. Let's consider it by yourself!
  • Aegis
    Not bad
  • victoryw0
    just so so
  • aimiao11
    It's too old. The room tastes too strong. It's not recommended
  • rsfeed
    The constant temperature is good. The hotel is a little old
  • bluedragon
  • beyerdynamic
    Relatively old
    The hotel management is in place, the service is meticulous, the food is delicious, the next time you stay, it is better to add a hose shower in the bath room!
  • barsa
    Hotel for a long time, poor water pressure!
  • jimmmyyy
    The facilities are too old. They are not worth the price and do not deserve the star.
  • lao wu
    not bad
  • bobbbie
    Hotel front desk chief refreshment bar! Breakfast is not as bad as two
  • cajames
    The hotel is old and the facilities are average
  • Cyril
    Good, easy to travel
  • elvisyanjing
    not bad
  • lucvin
    The room in the photo is different from the room you stayed in
  • anomie0312
    Friends travel to stay, convenient transportation, new hotel decoration, clean. not bad
  • lmds168ww
    The breakfast was good, the service was good, and the hotel was too old to be worth the price
  • javafirst_123
    Not good
  • Cissy
    Old hotel, old facilities, poor sound insulation in the room!
  • login
    The facilities are too old
  • erica_cao
    The hotel is a little old. There is nothing to play around. The type of breakfast is general. If it weren't for the meeting, I wouldn't stay here. The mattress is soft and the pillow is short.
  • bjxxl
    The room is old. It should have no five-star standard. The toilet facilities are very general, general, no surprise.
  • e00028958
  • mp3000
    The decoration is very good
  • lfeng0822
    Good, good, good
    Convenient transportation, very close to the light rail. Breakfast is OK, there are many kinds.
  • leobb
  • miaomonica0088
    Not very satisfied with the environment and facilities of the hotel, the facilities are old.
  • Linfeiba
    I ordered it for the leaders. It's really timely. The living conditions haven't received a response from the leaders.
  • e03102429
    The hotel is very good, the room is very big, very comfortable, the bathroom is very clean, the surrounding facilities are also good, quite satisfied, recommend to stay!
  • strti
    The environment and service were all very good.
  • angelawulijia
    The hotel environment is very good, not downtown, but the transportation is very convenient, but the breakfast is generally good
  • cyfeng66
    The first choice for Yubei District
  • Andy36999
    not bad
  • littlerui
    House prices are too high, and sexual love needs to be improved
  • gyj_gaoyujun
    It's too old to be worth the price
  • e01666046
    1. The smell of mildew is very heavy and I feel very uncomfortable. 2. I asked the waiter to help me when I took taxi. I went outside to stop the car. It was very good to stop the car
  • lunatsai
    The hotel is located in the center of the city, with good location, convenient transportation and good facilities, but the air conditioning is not warm. Generally speaking, I'm satisfied.
  • lensor
    Good, quiet!
  • sawysun
    The location of the hotel is good, the breakfast is also good, and the air conditioner is loud
  • pingping1023
    Business trip, good
  • adam lee
    very good
  • Aaron666
    The surrounding environment is very good, but the hotel is old, not very new
  • coolingwind
    Convenient travel
  • earlypear
    The old star hotel is generally in good condition for business travelers. It is about 200m near the exit 1 of California station of light rail line 3, which is convenient for travel. There are many government departments around, a little far from the commercial street. Although the room facilities are old, they are clean. The buffet breakfast is rich and tastes good.
  • fire_85
    The location is superior, the boss's service is very good, but it's a little noisy at night, and the sanitation of the bathroom is slightly poor
  • misydbear
    a business travel